About me
As a professional freelance illustrator based in Hamburg, I specialize in creating captivating illustrations for book covers, children's books, young adult novels, and fantasy projects. With expertise in character design, creature design, animal illustration, and portraying strong women and warriors, I offer high-quality illustration services tailored to your needs. Explore my portfolio and let's bring your vision to life together
Freelance Illustrator, Professional Illustrator, Fantasy Illustrator, Book Cover Illustrator, Children's Book Illustrator, Young Adult Book Illustrator , Concept Artist , Character Designer, Creature Designer , Animal Illustrator , Fantasy Illustrator, Strong Woman Illustrator , Warrior Illustrator, Commission Illustrator, Illustration Services , Creative Illustrator , Buch Illustrator , Kinderbuch Illustrator , Custom Illustrations, Illustration Portfolio, Charakter Designer, Digital Art, Jugendbuch Illustrator, Kinderbuch Illustration, Werbung, Storytelling, Art Direction, Fashion Illustrator
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About Bente Schlick

I am a full time freelance illustrator from Germany with years of experience in the industry.
I have worked with all the major publishing houses in Germany, such as HarperCollins, Carlsen, Random House, Ravensburger (among others), as well as with international publishers like Bloomsbury in the UK, Hardie Grant Publishing (Australia), Allen & Unwin (Australia) and US Games (USA). Additionally, I am signed with MGL Licensing in London, and my work has been licensed on a wide range of products worldwide, including puzzles, cards, and other stationery.
I also serve two adorable cats. Get in contact to discuss your project!


Email: schlick.bente@gmail.com
Phone: + 49 176 84262288

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